Technical Article
Published 04/2022
Top 4 NOJA Power Software Products
Aside from manufacturing electrical switchgear, NOJA Power publishes multiple software products. Most of these are provided under complimentary licenses for users of NOJA Power Switchgear. In this article, we cover a brief overview of each software package.
“All of NOJA Power products are intelligent, smart grid ready products that interface to our proprietary software solutions to allow remote control configuration, data acquisition and analysis of the electricity networks our products protect and control,” says NOJA Power Group Managing Director Neil O’Sullivan.
“ Our products also integrate to customers' SCADA systems using open architecture protocols which are all available standard in our complete range of recloser controls. ”
1 - NOJA Power CMS

Control and Management Software, or CMS for short, is a settings management and interrogation platform.
This system provides electrical engineers with the tools to create, modify and manage settings files for NOJA Power OSM Recloser systems with RC series controls.
CMS was originally launched in 2008 along with the first RC-10 controller, and has evolved to support the full suite of NOJA Power Recloser Controllers available today.
CMS is available from the “Resources and Specifications” page for any of the Recloser Controllers on the NOJA Power Website.
2 – NOJA Power PQS

Power Quality Software is NOJA Power’s software offering designed to analyse the power quality data captured from OSM Recloser systems with current generation RC series controls.
The RC-02, RC-03, RC-10 and RC-15 all capture up to the 15th harmonic, along with Voltage Sags and Swells, interruptions, and system performance indices.
The RC-20 captures all data that earlier generations could, but also captures data up to the 63rd harmonic.
This captured data is stored in COMTRADE or PQDif standard formats, both of which can be analysed using NOJA Power PQS.
PQS is available from the “Resources and Specifications” page for any of the Recloser Controllers on the NOJA Power Website.
3 – NOJA Power SGA

NOJA Power SGA Software is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing logic apps, which can be installed into current generation NOJA Power Recloser Controllers such as the RC-10 and RC-20.
SGA is based on the IEC61499 standard for event driven function block logic.
Users of SGA can access almost any datapoint available in the RC series controllers, and build logic systems to create custom functionality.
Examples include the automation of distribution switching, creation of custom scaled measurement datapoints or even an implementation of MODBUS SCADA communications.
SGA is available from the “Resources and Specifications” page for any of the Recloser Controllers on the NOJA Power Website.
4 – NOJA Power Remote HMI App

NOJA Power Remote HMI App
Available on the Android and Apple Play Store, the NOJA Power Remote HMI App is essentially the RC controller HMI panel in app form.
Mobile devices can be connected to the RC series control via Bluetooth, allowing operators to introduce a safety air-gap between themselves and the high voltage equipment.
A video demonstrating this process is available here:
NOJA Power’s Remote HMI Mobile App Demo
The NOJA Power Remote HMI app is available for a one-time charge of $49 AUD.
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